(818) 912-2258 info@best-exit.com

About Us

Serving successful business owners in selling their company at a premium price!

Have you built a business with a revenue between 2MM – 50MM and are ready to retire or transfer your company? 

BEST EXIT specializes in supporting you in achieving your transition goals, from valuing your company to creating your best exit strategy to selling your business at the best possible price.

Give us a call to schedule a complimentary BEST EXIT consultation today!

Lutz Lehmann

Lutz Lehmann, Founder

“The best way to describe the experience of working with Lutz Lehmann is TRUST. Thanks to him, we are now living our life as we dreamed for a long time.”

Why Work With Us?

Most people plan their personal life by investing in a life insurance, a retirement plan, an estate plan, etc.

Planning ahead in business is even more important. After building your company for many years, an exit plan provides you with a maximum return on your lifetime hard work and ensures your legacy continues.

Contact us below to find out how to start your individual business exit!

“With Best Exit we sold our company in less than four months!”

Meet the Team

The Best Exit team comprises experienced business specialists, long-term coaches, and sophisticated sales & marketing strategists.

Lutz Lehmann

Lutz Lehmann

Founder & CEO

Lutz has more than 25 years of experience in international business consulting, business development, and strategic exit planning. He worked as CEO and COO in a variety of companies in the automotive, electronics, and telecommunication industry.

Lutz has a track record of designing proven growth and organizational change solutions that are strategic, sustainable, and align with a company’s strategy and processes.

Over the past decade, Lutz has sold companies in the service, manufacturing, high-tech, medical, and automotive industry, and has successfully prepared businesses for transition.

He has worked with Private Equity and Venture Capital firms on international and domestic merger & acquisition projects. He is a certified exit planning advisor (CEPA), a Certified M&A Professional (CM&AP), and is licensed in California.

Karin Lehmann

Karin Lehmann

Co-Founder & Coach

As an international business consultant and leadership coach, Karin has worked with companies in Europe, South America, and the US. Some of her clients are leaders from companies such as Saint John’s Health Center, Whole Foods, Sprint PCS, Cisco, Shell Oil, Paramount, and Sony Pictures.

At Best Exit, Karin works with company owners to assess their personal exit readiness. Understanding what lies ahead after the sale is crucial for a successful and smooth transaction. Business owners who lack a clear vision for life after the sale often find themselves at a difficult crossroads, leading to deals that falter. Karin’s guidance helps prevent such pitfalls, ensuring a clear path forward.

Karin is the author of “Alive: A Practical Guide to Get Out of Your Head and into Your Heart.”

Tom Reynolds

Tom Reynolds

Fractional CMO

Tom is a marketing leader with CEO experience. He has owned and run manufacturing, software development, and startup companies. Tom, a Stanford grad, helps companies uncork marketing bottlenecks and deliver focused profit-driven strategies. His strengths are persistence and sales creativity. 

Tom balances marketing strategy with sales tactics, which he calls sMarketing or Marketing Smart. As a Fractional CMO, he gets sales and marketing on the same page. Tom believes everyone in a company is responsible for sales. He can help manage in-house marketing teams or outside agencies. He saves busy executives’ time by providing hands-on support with a talented US-based digital and traditional virtual marketing team. 

Paul A. Raggio

Paul A. Raggio

Exit Strategist

Paul is a retired Army Colonel, former CEO, and Business Unit President specializing in leadership and best business practices. He is a highly skilled business advisor with a proven track record of helping business owners and their teams scale their companies and increase profitability through strategic planning, operations management, business development, budgeting, financial forecasting, and personnel development.

At Best Exit, Paul is an expert in guiding business owners toward a successful exit. He works collaboratively with the owner and their team to create a comprehensive strategy that ensures maximum productivity and profitability, ultimately positioning the company for an optimal valuation at the time of exit.



(818) 912-2258


info [at] best-exit.com


30961 Agoura Road, Suite 225
Westlake Village, CA 91361